Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas rum pum pum pummmmm!

Christmas is one of my favorite, if not most favorite, holidays.  It is a magical holiday.  The traditions of decorations, lights, delicious food and drink, family, gift-giving, stockings, trees, etc. are all things I greatly enjoy.  I also enjoy it because it is during the winter, and I love the winter season--winter clothes, cold weather, warm beverages.

I should probably say the greatest part of the holiday for me is the biblical Christmas story...which I guess it is.  Despite my disobedience sometimes, I do love Jesus.  I want to have the same enthusiasm for my faith and the gospel throughout the entire year.  I appreciate Christmas as a warm reminder and auxiliary connection to the first part of Luke 2, but I am apt to pursue God's kingdom at any prodding of the Holy Spirit despite the nearest holiday or season of the year; I am also privileged to do so at anytime.  However, I am not able to enjoy the frills of Christmas at anytime in the same fashion as they are presented and accepted during this merry season.

So...what's my point; I don't know, and I'm not sure I really care to fully clarify one.  Maybe I just love Christmas for all the things Christmas entails--in christianity's traditions of it and then some...maybe sometimes the "then some" especially.

Merry Christmas!

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